Placeholder text
Code Editor
<Input label="Label:" placeholder="Placeholder text" />
Search text placeholder
Code Editor
<Input label="Search:" type="search" placeholder="Search text placeholder" on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('on_change', value) }} on_submit={({ value }) => { console.log('Submit:', value) }} />
Medium and stretched search input
Code Editor
<Input size="medium" type="search" stretch={true} value="Medium search value" on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('on_change', value) }} />
Input with icon
With left / right aligned text
Code Editor
<Input label="Input with icon:" placeholder="Input" label_direction="vertical" icon="check" bottom /> <Input label="Input with icon:" label_sr_only placeholder="Input with a placeholder" icon_position="right" icon="check" align="right" />
Disabled input
Code Editor
<Input disabled label="Disabled input:" placeholder="Disabled Input with a placeholder" />
With FormStatus
You have to fill in this field
You have to fill in this field
Code Editor
<FormRow bottom> <Input label="With FormStatus:" status="You have to fill in this field" value="Input value with error" /> </FormRow> <FormRow> <Input label="With button:" status="You have to fill in this field" value="Input value with error" type="search" /> </FormRow>
Input with suffix (additional description)
Code Editor
<Input label={ <Space element="span" className="dnb-h--large"> Fødselsnummer </Space> } label_direction="vertical" autocomplete="on" placeholder="Placeholder text" suffix={ <HelpButton title="Info" size="large"> Some content </HelpButton> } on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('on_change', value) }} />
in horizontal wrapping FormRow
and a long label
Stretched Code Editor
<FormRow label="Long label labwl Adipiscing mauris dis proin nec:" vertical > <Input value="I stretch ..." stretch status="Status message" status_state="warn" /> </FormRow>
Numbers are using DNB Mono (monospace)
Also, this example manipulates the value during typing.
Numbers are using DNB Mono (monospace)
Code Editor
<Input label="Label:" autocomplete="on" placeholder="Placeholder text" status="Numbers are using DNB Mono (monospace)" status_state="info" value="1234567890" on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('on_change', value) return String(value).toUpperCase() }} />
Submit Form with Input
Pressing the enter key will trigger a submit.
Code Editor
<FormSet prevent_submit={true} on_submit={(event) => { console.log('FormRow.on_submit', event) }} > <FormRow> <Input type="search" label="Label:" value="Input ..." selectall={true} on_submit={(event) => { console.log('Input.on_submit', event) }} on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('on_change:', value) }} right="small" bottom="x-small" /> <Button text="Submit" type="submit" /> </FormRow> </FormSet>
Input with clear button
Pushing the clear button or pressing the ESC key will clear the input.
Code Editor
<FormRow direction="vertical"> <Input clear={true} value="Value ..." size="medium" /> <Input clear={true} value="Value ..." type="search" top /> <Input clear={true} value="Value ..." icon="loupe" type="search" top /> </FormRow>
Input password type
The password component has to ensure that there is still room for password managers to inject the input with their UX functionality.
In order to get the show/hide button, you may have to import the component like so:
import InputPassword from '@dnb/eufemia/components/input/InputPassword'
Code Editor
<InputPassword label="Label:" placeholder="A placeholder text" on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('on_change:', value) }} on_show_password={() => { console.log('on_show_password') }} on_hide_password={() => { console.log('on_hide_password') }} />